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Contract FormRegistration in DigLuIn order to register in DigLu, the principal of the parent school must What is an AVV?The conclusion of the AVV is mandatory under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GCU regulates the way personal data is processed and sets out the rights and obligations of the contractual partners, controllers and processors, in a binding manner. How and by whom is the GCU concluded?In DigLu, each parent school, together with the relevant Ministry of Education, is the joint controller within the meaning of the GDPR. All controllers, i.e. the Ministry of Education and the parent school, must conclude the GCU with the processor. The competent Ministry of Education and the processor have already signed the GCU in 'paper form'. You can view the document here. The parent school (through the principal) enters into this GCU and thus subsequently concludes it in digital form. On the following registration form you can view the AVV completed with the data of the parent school and the terms of use. Which obligations arise from the AVV for a parent school?In the AVV it is bindingly regulated which responsible party (parent school resp. The parent school is responsible for the proper entry and processing as well as the correctness of the personal data of the students, parents and teachers in DigLu. In addition, it has to fulfill the information obligations towards parents, students and teachers. The parent school is supported in this by the relevant Ministry of Education and the data protection officer responsible for the parent school. The digital GCU has already been completed with the essential data of the parent school,the relevant Ministry of Education and the order processor. The only data that remains to be completed is the data protection officer/data protection officer of the parent school. Please enter this data in the form below. Password Hint
Password must meet the criteria set by the DiLer Manager. The password:
1. must be 8 or more characters long 2. must contain 1 or more numbers 3. must contain 0 or more upper case letters 4. must contain 1 or more of these special characters ! § $ % & ( ) ? * # 5. may contain any number of lower case letters. The password needs to be identical in both fields. GMS Klettgau @ DiLer PE 7.1.0